Domestic Equipment - machines, bicycles, tools, toys. (13)
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Travelling fairground helter skelter slide
Allegation that repair and refurbishment work was not to appropriate standard of workmanship and as a result when delivered the slide could not be erected easily and properly as intended and would not have been safe for the public to use.

Tanning Booth - automatic
Allegations made that the automatic tanning booth was not fit for purpose

Bicycle steering column - Cervelo
Rider was thrown off and injured when bike steering columm suddenly and unexpectedly failed

Garden seat - folding
Seat collapsed unexpectedly and caused serious injury to the users finger.

Miele Rotary Ironer HM13-83
Allegation that the ironer was defective and not fit for purpose

Letter box - front door
Allegation made that the installation and operation of the letter box flap caused injury to postman

Bicycle - Silver Fox Viper mountain bike
Allegation made that the front wheel suddenly collapsed and as a result the rider fell and was injured.

Rotary Hammer Drill – Performance Power 1050W
Allegations were made that the drill was incorrectly sold and the abscence of important safety related features was not explained. Use of the drill resulted in severe injury to the user's wrist.